Went out with Karen and Chris for brunch. After brunch, look what I've got? A mail to Crystal and it's from JIPABAN! FYI, if you don't really know what is JIPABAN... click HERE for further information. I'll bet every girls will LOVE it! *wink*
Anyway, JIPABAN mailed me a very cute ang pau pack and a their catalog. You'll get to know who's the owner or the shop, and how old is the shop. If you want to view more, just move your mouse press HERE and it will bring you to JIPABAN link! Isn't this easy? *smile* Come on. Go give it a try, sign up as a JIPABAN member and you'll get to buy more nice clothes without wasting your time to travel and fight with others for nice clothes! *giggle* JIPABAN will save you with everything.